
Sponsor Spotlight

I'm thrilled to introduce you today to Fabric Paper Glue's very first sponsors!

Sponsor Highlight - Silly Grrl

Headed up by graphic designer and circus performer (not kidding) Sarah, Silly Grrl is your go-to resource for tips on blogging, running your own business, graphic design, and (perhaps the most mystifying to many of us) coding. Each month, Sarah hosts a "Fix-It Friday" where you leave a question, she leaves an answer. Pretty sweet deal. What's more exciting, she has a blog design ebook on the way next month. If you're not into DIY coding, don't worry. She's got you covered with an Etsy shop full of amazing premade blog layouts.

Sponsor Highlight - Handmade Habitat

Headed by another DC girl Amina, Handmade Habitat specializes in eco-friendly little luxuries for yourself and your home. She's got a lovely collection of soy candles -- perfect for Mother's Day (hint, hint). And her Spring collection - le Jardin -- features adorable hand-painted handbags.

A big thank you in advance for showing my sponsors some love. It's thanks to lovely ladies like Sarah and Amina that Fabric Paper Glue can continue to bring you bigger and better DIYs and evermore fun stuff!

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